The KuneKune Pig
The KuneKune (CooneyCooney) is a stout little pig originally kept by the Maori people. The pigs lived among them in their villages, serving as both companions and food. KuneKune means "round and fat" in Maori.
The KuneKune was nearly extinct by the 1980s, with only an estimated 50 purebred Kunekune remaining. Michael Willis and John Simister, wildlife park owners, started a successful breeding recovery program. While the breed is still considered rare, it no longer faces extinction, with breed societies in New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
The KuneKune is an idea pig for small farms because they do not challenge fences, do not root, and are very docile. In fact their affectionate nature makes them a great choice for a pet pig. Furthermore they are a true grazing pig and are tremendous at maintaining land. They are considered "easy keepers" as they thrive on much smaller rations than the typical pig. Being a heritage breed, they are slower growing than a commercial hog. But those who have eaten KuneKune will tell you that the red, marbled meat is well worth the wait. They mature at anywhere from 150 lbs to 400 lbs, with boars being larger than sows.